Arjen van der Cruijsen Lichtontwerp


Outdoor lighting design

Reinforced appearance and safety

With the use of light you enhance your appearance. Well-lit buildings attract passers-by and employees. Evening activities can be planned by illuminating the outdoor area, park or landscape. In addition, lighting deters intruders and is therefore an important part of preventing vandalism and burglaries.

Attractive and durable

The involvement of a professional lighting designer ensures the right balance between appeal, aesthetics, durability and cost-effectiveness. Good light saves costs in terms of purchase, energy and maintenance. Proper lighting design prevents unnecessary light pollution and energy waste.

More visitors and proud employees

With the use of light you enhance your appearance, create proud employees and attract visitors. By illuminating the outdoor space you can receive more visitors per day. Good lighting increases safety and is sustainable, energy-efficient and cost efficient so that you contribute to achieving the environmental goals.

energy efficient


less energy consumption through design and technology

open longer

8 hours

by illuminating outdoor space, park or landscape more activities per day



less burglary and theft and an increase in the sense of security on the street


What clients say about our
lighting design.

How we work

How we add perfect lighting to
your world.



Your wishes and ambitions are our starting point. Together we formulate the objectives. And if desired, we hold a survey among users to get their preferences out.

We leggen de huidige situatie vast. Kwantitatief door te meten, kwalitatief door een gebruikersenquête.

We inventory the space, size of the project, challenges and opportunities. Is there a schedule of requirements? And what is the budget and timing?



With the information collected and any additional research into lighting solutions, we sketch the first design ideas and create a mood board. In addition, we determine the guidelines and design rules to be used. Together this forms the lighting concept; the basis for the lighting design.

This shows the essence of the lighting design. We create a visual representation with the light effects, points, and colors. In 2D or 3D. With both a proposal for the luminaires and a budgetary cost estimate. After discussing the preliminary design, we will include comments, feedback and additional wishes in the final design.

We detail the lighting design for each space or room. This elaboration consists of: lighting calculations, drawings, plans, system diagrams, a list of materials and a detailed cost estimate.



From different scenes, control via interactive software or scripting, to gobo projections and video content. We create everything necessary for optimal control of the lighting installation.

We support the implementation of the project where necessary. For example, we are the point of contact for the architect and the installer and we provide purchasing advice to guarantee the best price and quality. We also support the installer in commissioning the lighting.

We meten direct na oplevering, na 1 jaar en/of periodiek. Kwantitatief en kwalitatief. Resultaten leveren we aan in een helder rapport.

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Let's have a quick call and you'll know in 15 minutes.